Who are we?

Mindfulness Wales is a CIO [charity number 1193146] committed to working together with partners, mindfulness teachers and practitioners to bring mindfulness into all sectors of our communities and help to weave mindfulness into the life and work of Wales. We are a central hub for mindfulness in Wales, seeking to support, network, collaborate, share, co-create and inspire.

Our vision is to share mindfulness to enable Wales to become a more compassionate, kinder, fairer and more sustainable society.

Our values are compassion, connection, community, kindness and co-creation underpinned by inclusion.

We’re creating a network of people with a passion for mindfulness working with the Board of Trustees.

What Do We Do?

We work with partners to nurture mindful communities by helping them weave mindfulness into the life and work of Wales.

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is:

A way of being alive and knowing it

Underpinned by compassion, kindness, curiosity, trust, gratitude, appreciation, awe and wonder.


Inspiration of the week

Quote of the Week

“Mindfulness isn’t difficult.  We just need to remember to do it.”

Sharon Salzberg

Our Blog

Telling our Mindfulness Stories: we need your help!

Telling our Mindfulness Stories: we need your help!

We’re convinced that the best way to inspire organisations, communities and individuals to weave mindfulness into their daily life and work is to show where it’s already happening and what people think about their experiences. So we want to collect examples of...

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