Mindfulness Wales

Meddylgarwch Cymru

Mindfulness can make a unique contribution to Welsh society

Wellbeing is a priority for the whole of society, not just a personal concern. We need changed institutions based on compassionate, empowering values. We need to get better at listening to each other. And the climate crisis demands that we build a society that values contentment above consumption.

Mindfulness has become an important movement – a practice and a way of living that lets people take control of their own wellbeing in a compassionate, effective, proven way. Wales has been a leader in making mindfulness accessible.

At Meddlgarwych Cymru / Mindfulness Wales we believe that mindfulness should be at the heart of our thinking about the society we want to create. We bring mindfulness experts together with policymakers and leaders in Wales to learn how we can bring the benefits of mindfulness to the whole of Welsh society

Download the full Manifesto

Read more about our manifesto proposals on Health and Education

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Daily online Drop in

We’re offering a programme of free daily 1 hour online sessions by Zoom. To start with we’re running sessions at 10:00 each weekday from Tuesday to Friday.

Join Us Online

Join us for our monthly Webinars exploring how Mindfulness can support Wales

Watch Past Sessions

July 2024
Sarah Millband & Bridgette O’Neil
May 2024
Iwan Brioc
April 2024
Mindfulness Wales & Mindfulness in Schools Project
6 February 2024
Lord Richard Layard
22 November
Richard Edwards & Ceryl Davies
25 October 2023
Kelly Boys 
19 July 2023
Rebecca Crane & Friends
Tim Duerden
28 June 2023
Chris Tamdjidi
18 May 2023
Benna Waites
26 April 2023
Mark Williams
23 March 2023

Katherine Weare

1 December 2022
Frazzled Cafe for Wales

Can Wales host Frazzled Cafe?

24 June 2022
Michael Chaskalson
2 March 2022
Ruby Wax
14th December 2021
16 November 2021
Dr Dan Siegel
23rd September 2021
Vidyamala Burch
14th July 2021
Professor Katherine Weare
12th May 2021
16th June 2021


Mindfulness is …

  • Effective. Mindfulness lets people calm down and become more aware of their thoughts and feelings. That’s a recognised key to mental wellbeing.
  • Accessible. in recent research 15% of the population say they’ve tried mindfulness and liked it, while a further 35% are open to doing so. It’s popular in workplaces and healthcare, and with children as well as adults. 
  • Fair. There are no barriers that investment can’t address. Valleys Steps has taught mindfulness to thousands of people in the Welsh Valleys.
  • Empowering. Mindfulness lets people take control of their states of mind, rather than relying on medication to feel better. 
  • Proven. Mindfulness-based interventions are backed by research and approved by NICE for some conditions. Research shows no adverse side effects for the vast majority of people. 
  • Cost-Effective. Mindfulness courses are offered to groups at a competitive cost.
  • Preventative. In line with the goals of Wales NHS, mindfulness helps people avoid mental health problems by fostering wellbeing and resilience. 
  • Compassionate. Mindfulness fosters a kinder, more thoughtful way of living. It can help create more compassionate services – Aneurin Bevan UHB is already leading the way. 
  • Scaleable. Wales has many mindfulness teachers and well-developed organisations. Mindfulness can be taught online and in Welsh.
  • A Welsh success story. Wales is a world leader in mindfulness, spearheaded by Bangor University’s Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice.

Our Work


Education is changing in Wales and Health and Wellbeing have a central role in the new curriculum. Interest in mindfulness in schools and colleges across Wales



Mindfulness is present in the Welsh NHS and Bangor University is a global centre. But there’s scope for much more


About Us

Mindfulness Wales / Meddylgarwch Cymru is a new charity that supports the development of mindfulness practice in Wales, liaising with the Welsh Government and public sector leaders, and creating a network of mindfulness teachers in Wales


Compassionate Mind Training at Garnteg School

Mindfulness at Garnteg Primary School   “It calms my nerves before my big singing competition so I can sing with everything I’ve got” “When I get into a bit of a mood I can use one of the practices to calm me down.” “It’s changed me a a person. I used to be angry...

Mindfulness at Llangatwg Community School 

Mindfulness at Llangatwg Community School  “Every Y7 should do this!” “It calms me down.” “It really helps with school work if you’re not so stressed.” That’s the verdict of pupils at Llangatwg Community School in Neath where the Mindfulness in Schools Project...

Mindfulness in Education: Our Journey in Wales

Mindfulness in Education: Our Journey in Wales

Our Mindfulness Journey in WalesGuest blog by Elizabeth Williams, Chair of Meddylgarwch Cymru (Mindfulness Wales) and Associate Trainer for MiSP Early in our mindfulness journey in Wales, as a group of educators and mindfulness practitioners, we asked ourselves “What...

Feedback from Open Meeting17 March 2021 We would like to extend a heartfelt ‘thank you’ to everyone who expressed an interest and who participated in our first open event as Mindfulness Wales CIO.  Welcome to all of you as part of the developing network across Wales...

Mindfulness in Education Toolkit for Wales

Mindfulness in Education Toolkit for Wales

The Mindfulness Toolkit sets out to provide the information an education setting might need to develop a strategic mindfulness journey to embed high quality mindfulness across the institution in a sustainable and effective way. It is designed to support the wellbeing of staff and learners in any education setting in Wales as well as implementation of the Whole School Approach to Mental Health and Wellbeing

Our aim is to create a more mindful society: one that is more thoughtful, compassionate, fairer and sustainable society – by helping ourselves and others to cope, connect (with people and nature), flourish (through appreciation and kindness) and empower change


Ein nod ydy creu cymdeithas fwy meddylgar, cydymdeimladol, teg a chynaliadwy drwy ein helpu ni ein hunain ac eraill i ymdopi, cysylltu (gyda phobl a natur), blodeuo (drwy werthfawrogiad a charedigrwydd) a rhoi’r grym i ni newid.